Is my child eligible for Social Security Disability?

Low-income disabled children may qualify for Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits through Social Security. There are many costs involved in caring for a disabled child. These include transportation to medical appointments (which often include longer commutes for specialty care), medications, special mobility equipment, therapy, etc.  Income from SSI benefits helps…

Why do I need a Social Security Disability Representative?

The Social Security Administration (SSA) is responsible for one of the largest and most complex programs within the Federal Government[efn_note][/efn_note]. Having a knowledgeable Disability Representative to help guide a claimant through this process can be critical to ensuring a favorable outcome. Successfully navigating the process of applying for benefits generally…

SSA Field Office Closures

I have written before about funding problems that the Social Security Administration has faced and how this had, in part, contributed to the unprecedented backlog in claims awaiting disability hearings. A recent New York Times article has me focusing this month on a different issue: simply accessing Social Security Services.…

Can I draw early retirement while waiting for Social Security disability benefits to be approved?

Retirement, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (RSDI) is the program that pays benefits out to eligible individuals under Title II of the Social Security Act. As the name implies, this includes retirement benefits, survivors benefits, and disability benefits. The age at which someone chooses to derive retirement benefits has a direct…
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